Oh man, you're not that somebody I hope...?! I've been buying a few too, though always at rebates, suddenly have so many I realize I really only needed the one one anyway...
I do stuff.
Dumb things.
Joined on 12/9/17
Oh man, you're not that somebody I hope...?! I've been buying a few too, though always at rebates, suddenly have so many I realize I really only needed the one one anyway...
I wasted like 20$ on those fidget spinners,but i didnt even play with them. R.I.P money.
Good to hear it was a zero less. :) Yeah I think I spent a similar amount... first just a normal, then a silent one, one from some other brand, one that glows in the dark, one with blinking lights, one that's like a cube, a few more simple ones when they started selling cheap... come to think of it it's probably a bit over 20$ now...
When you actually think about it , those are all the same, just with one more thing like: "it looks better, it glows, it is plastic,metalic or something they just added something to get more buyers."
Yeah exactly. XD Really no reason to get such a surplus of them. This one was a bit different though: https://youtu.be/PcWxlnhZrYw
That looks expensive ._.
1 USD. Just gotta buy 'em at the right places. :)
I wont get any more of those. It would be just a waste of time. kinda.
Wise call. I'm thinking the same, though might get tempted again by incredible prices and interesting spin-off's...
In my opinion it is a waste of money....
They are cheap but you could just buy a sandwich or somethhing for that money.
I really didnt need to get 10 of those.....
Pa nisu ti animacije glupe, ja isto u početku nisam dobro ih radio, al kada skontaš caku, lagano je.
Oh man that fidget spinner thing really blew up. XD Shame the original author never got a patent on that thing... it was made with the best intentions too, to treat ADHD, but at least the prices reside on patent-free levels... pretty cheap. Hope so! Happy New Year! :)
Yeah somebody wasted like 200$ on those fidget spinners...